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Feverfew is a useful healing plant. As its name suggests, this herb is beneficial in reducing fever.

Feverfew is a traditional remedy for treating headaches like migraines, cluster headaches, and tension headaches. It contains natural substances that help dilate the blood vessels to ease the constriction that causes headaches.

Taking feverfew regularly works well as a preventative for migraine headaches. (It must be taken regularly to see benefits).

Feverfew can help break a fever and eases aches & pains associated with cold and flu.  It helps both as a uterine stimulant and a pain reliever and is particularly good at helping relive painful menstrual cramping.

Feverfew is considered the “medieval aspirin” with its potent ability in healing various illnesses.

The usefulness of feverfew is observed in its ability to lower body temperature in fever. Most traditional herbalists often prefer using feverfew over aspirin. It is an excellent analgesic and antipyretic that relieve any kind of pain. It treats inflammation, thereby, alleviating the pain muscle and joint pains.

The soothing ability of feverfew, paired with its excellent anti-inflammatory effect, is best for respiratory problems.

It can treat cold, cough, chest congestion, and other illnesses like asthma and chronic bronchitis. Using feverfew may boost and improve the overall respiratory health.

Feverfew encourages hormonal activity that can induce hunger to improve appetite. It helps in the healing process of individuals who are underweight and are calorie-deficient. Patients recovering from surgery can improve their appetite by taking feverfew as well.

In digestive problems, the carminative and antispasmodic properties of feverfew are beneficial. It can ease stomach pain, constipation, and other digestive complaints.

Modern research explores the potency of feverfew for treating cancers. It has parthenolide and other flavonoids that give an inhibitory effect. This may hold out hope for patients suffering from breast or cervical cancer.

Feverfew encourages the smooth flow of blood to prevent clotting. It may lower blood pressure and help combat heart problems.


Avoid any feverfew product when scheduled for surgery as it can interact with the anesthesia.

If you take feverfew for more than one week, do not stop taking it abruptly. It may cause rebound migraine, headaches, anxiety, and muscle and joint pain.

Avoid using this if you are consuming blood-thinning drugs and painkillers.

Feverfew is unsafe for pregnant women and can cause abortion. It is also not advisable for breastfeeding women and children below two years old.