Rosemary & Nettle hair serum 30ml


We’ve infused together Rosemary & Nettle to create this hair serum, we have chosen these two herbs as they are powerful herbs for haircare.


There are plenty of properties in rosemary that contribute to a healthy scalp and hair, leading to less hair loss and less chance of breakage too. The anti-inflammatory nature of rosemary will nourish your hair follicles and make your hair shiny. If you’re trying to grow your hair then it’s as important to keep your current hair and new hair growth healthy to reduce breakage and the need to cut your hair so frequently, which rosemary will help do. Rosemary is also known to darken gray hairs and slow the appearance of new grays.

Another great side effect of using rosemary in the hair is it reduces dandruff. If you are prone to having a dry scalp then this will give you relief as it has a moisturising effect.


Nettle can also disrupt the hormone that causes hair loss, while at the same time, it increases blood circulation and provides plenty of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to your hair, scalp, and follicle.

1 in stock



Rub into scalp leave for at least 10-15 minutes or overnight then wash out.

If you have allergies or sensitive skin you should patch test the serum on your jawline first before using it on your scalp.
For best results, you should use this consistently. While you should notice shinier and healthier hair and any dryness of the scalp improve in the short term, hair growth will take longer to become evident. Be patient and remember to keep this up as part of your regular ongoing hair maintenance regime.

Ingredients olive oil, rosemary & nettle
100% natural no added nasties


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